uploads/notice board.jpg

notice board 布告牌。


There are 38 pieces of outdoor notice board exhibited , they are correspondent with the natural site atmosphere , as well as the formation of creative arts expression , hence providing a special visual path to the passing audients , in order to stimulate those audients ' inner self - reflection and as well as developing them an uncommon view to natural environment 三十八件展出的戶外布告欄形式,對應著周遭的自然場域氣質,以極具創意的藝術表現形式與觀念手法,提供過往的觀眾一條特別的視覺路徑,藉此啟發群眾自身的內在反思狀態,及一種對自然的另類觀看處境。

Transparency , openness and participation should characterize all levels of the church , including diocesan , parish , school , community centres and so on . in the everyday running of the parish council the parish should aim at co - responsibility and collective leadership , so as to build a participatory church . the parish finance committee should make detailed and regular reports to the parish council and publicize these reports to the parishioners through the newsletter or notice board 例如堂區議會,它以全民參與為目標,在日常運作中,應按信仰及教會的社會訓導,以共負責任和集體領導為原則,讓教友參與堂區事務決策,從而建設一個參與式的教會而堂區財務委員會亦應向堂區議會定期及詳盡報告,并透過堂區通訊或布告板向所有堂區信友公布有關工作。

One day in the autumn of 1930 , i was gazing at the notice board in the post office of the main men ' s residence at the ontario agricultural college , where i was then a senior . it was usually an unrewarding vision but on this day it advertised a number of research assistantship at the giannini foundation of agricultural economics at the university of california 試著翻譯了一下:在我們農場1月1日并不是新年的開始,那天只是一個純粹形式上的意義,仍然是可惡深冬的一部分,但是到了三月,隨著時間的推移,所有的農場都開始忙起來了,那就是打槭樹葉。

Afcd has set up notice boards at sai kung bus terminus , wong shek pier , hoi ha minibus terminus , wan tsai ( nam fung wan ) pier and lan lo au to inform campers of the closure and the location of other campsites in wong shek pier , tai tan , hau ton kai and chek keng 漁護署已于西貢巴士總站、 ?石碼頭、海下小巴站、灣仔南風灣碼頭和攔路拗豎立告示牌,通知露營人士該郊野公園部分地方已封閉,并請游人使用設于?石碼頭、大灘、猴塘溪及赤徑的其他露營地點。

There ' s also a notice board , for public announcements such as the date of the next hogsmeade [ / color ] weekend , but also for notices from individual students seeking to buy or sell secondhand books , or trade chocolate frog cards , or similar , as in any school 公共休息室里還有一個公告板,用來公布一些通知,比如去霍格莫多[ / color ]過周末的具體日期等等;還像很多普通學校那樣為學生們私下買賣二手書,交換巧克力蛙卡片等活動提供條件。

However , if works are not carried out on site for some technical reasons , such as pipe testing in progress , concrete curing or inclement weather , etc . the contractor should display a notice board on site stating the reasons for site idling 但若因技術原故,如須對喉管進行測試、鋪設的混凝土須時養護或天氣惡劣等情況,出現在工程期間工地無人工作的現象,承建商須于工地放置展示牌,說明無人工作的原因。

Remarks : if the black rainstorm signal or tropical cyclone warning signal no . 8 or above is issued on the activity day , we will announce the alternative arrangement on the market notice boards and our website in due course 備注:如天文臺在活動當日發出黑色暴雨警告或八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,上述活動將會另有安排,屆時請留意街市公告箱和本署網頁的公布。

The institute concerned has also suddenly changed its usual practice and imposed a requirement that all notices and posters are to be vetted and approved by its top management before they can be put up on notice boards in the campus 此外,該院校亦忽然改變以往慣例,規定所有告示及海報,必須事先經院方高層審核及批準,才可在學院內的報告板張貼。

Before you are served , you may look up the jobs displayed on the notice boards or conduct job search at “ job explorer “ vacancy search terminals . you should record the job order number of the job you are interested in 你可利用等候接見的時間,閱覽布告版上的空缺資料卡,或使用?工易空缺搜尋終端機尋搜空缺,請抄下感到興趣的空缺編號。

Article 6 public notice provided in this law shall be published on newspapers and journals specified by the supreme peoples court for publication and pasted to the notice board of the peoples court where the case is tried 第六條本法規定的公告,人民法院應當刊登于最高人民法院指定登載公告的報刊上,并張貼于案件受理地人民法院的布告欄。

Before you are served , you may look up the jobs displayed on the notice boards or conduct job search at “ job explorer “ vacancy search terminals . you should record the job order number of the job you are interested in 你可利用等候接見的時間,閱覽布告版上的空缺資料卡,或使用?工易空缺搜尋終端機尋搜空缺,請抄下感到興趣的空缺編號。

Afcd has already set up notice boards at mui wo pier , nam chung tsuen in tai o , shek pik bus stop and locations near yi o to inform hikers of the closure and advise them to use other hiking trails 漁護署已于梅窩碼頭、大澳南涌村、石壁巴士站,以及二澳附近豎立告示牌,通知旅游人士該路段暫時被封,并請游人使用其他行山路徑。

Urban group has already started assisting jci to post up promotional posters on the notice boards and distribute appeal flyers to their customers in the properties under their management for the event since july 2004 富城集團將透過于其屬下各物業張貼海報及派發宣傳單張,以推廣義不容遲2004活動,希望吸引更多香港市民參與。

The department regularly updated the promotional materials concerning environmental protection displayed on its notice boards . stickers reminding good environmental practice were affixed next to the relevant facilities 本局在布告板上張貼環保宣傳資料,定期更新,并在有關設施旁貼上標簽,提醒員工時刻保持良好的環保習慣。

Informative materials on environmental protection displayed on notice boards are regularly updated . stickers promoting good environmental practices , such as saving water and energy , are affixed at relevant facilities 除定期更新布告板上的環保資訊外,局內設施很多都貼上宣傳良好環保習慣的貼紙,例如節約用水、節省能源等。

By insisting on this format , you provide the plan - owners with a simple mechanism for peer recognition ( through the displayed notice board ) and yet enable them to manage their own failure with grace 通過堅持這種形式,你提供了一個簡單的機制讓計劃執行者專注于實際(通過布告牌來展示)并從容的處理他們的失責。

Trainings are subject to change without further notice . please check against the training schedule posted on the notice board near the conference room entrance for update training schedule 如有任何更改,恕不另行通知。閣下可留意公司會議室前張貼之最新訓練時間表。

He said posters and notice boards had been put up at various sites to remind visitors of the “ keep clean “ message . the message is also posted on some hiking websites 署方已在旅游熱點張貼海報和豎立告示牌,并在一些行山網站上載有關資料,宣揚保持郊區清潔信息。

These regulations will be conspicuously posted at all entrances to the campus and notice boards , and published in the newsletters of the university and its colleges 公布有效期限本規則在校園各入口及校內各布告板張貼公布,并在大學及各書院簡訊發布。